20 vigor
20 blessaed hammer
20 concentration
20 blessed aim
*holy sheild( remainder untill maxed should go here)
*salvation( this is not needed just helpfull in some cases)
1 redemption (good for a tight spot with no mana and dead bodys)
(* means add remainder too.)
Shako (or Paladin Circlet)
Maras 25+ resis
Heart of the oak 35+ resis
Herald of Zak. (Paladin Spirit sheild also works)
Enigma (try for Bp, Mp, or Ds for less stre req.)
Bk/SoJ (only if botting) Perf Nagels
35+ mf chance guards
45+ mf war travs
Arachnids or Thunder Gods Viger (t-gods for baal botting)
15+/15+ Paladin torch
15+/15+ anni
Stre-should remain base
Dex- Max Block (75% chance to block) means noty a holy lot in here but max block after holy sheild
Vit.- all should be heading into here
Engery- none